Page 11 - CLC Official Judging Manual 2024
P. 11
Judging Program
Purpose having areas of the vehicles that do not of the Judging Committee.
appear as new.
The primary purpose of the CLC Judging “The CLC Chief Judge shall appoint
Program is to educate owners and Deputy Chief Judges, members of
members regarding the exact condition Judging and the Judging Committee, and mem-
and configuration of the various models bers of a Judging Administration
of Cadillacs and LaSalles as they were Award Disclaimer Committee, all who will serve at the
delivered new to the first owner. The Cadillac & LaSalle Club does not pleasure of the Chief Judge.”
Through the display at judged events and certify or in any other way attest to the General Judging Policy
competition for prizes, the CLC encour- originality or authenticity of any car
ages the restoration and maintenance receiving a CLC judging award. CLC All Cadillac- and LaSalle-bodied or
of Cadillac and LaSalle automobiles judging awards represent the opinions of Cadillac-powered cars that are owned by
to preserve the history and heritage volunteer judges on a given date as they National Members in good standing of
of Cadillac. understand and interpret CLC judging the Cadillac & LaSalle Club are eligible to
standards and guidance. These opinions participate in the Grand National Meet
The judging program awards a graduated may or may not be correct. Any other or other authorized judged events in the
series of trophies and plaques that recog- person should evaluate such cars on the appropriate Division and Class. Those
nize how well the judged cars replicate the basis of his or her own knowledge without vehicles achieving the prescribed score
“as manufactured” condition.
reliance on any CLC judging award. will receive awards.
In 1985, the CLC established the Past The CLC may limit the number of
Presidents’ Preservation program within automobiles to be judged at a Grand
the Judging Program to recognize 30- Policies National or other authorized judged
year-old and older preserved original cars events to ensure that an adequate number
that have not been restored. Judging Committee of qualified judges is available to properly
Many people have long enjoyed the CLC Policy 3.2 covers establishing the judge each car. If it is necessary to limit
challenge of taking the original design Judging Committee and its responsibilities the number of automobiles to be judged,
in a new direction; modifying some or and appointment of the Chief Judge and the CLC Chief Judge will decide. When
all of a car’s features to create the owner’s his/her responsibilities. It reads as follows: limits are imposed, the date when the
ideal. For those who undertake such “The Judging Committee has entry is received will control. Automobiles
modifications of Cadillacs and LaSalles, the responsibility to prepare excluded from judging may be displayed.
the CLC established a unique judging and implement national judging Judging of an automobile in a CLC Grand
system launched in 2017 that recognizes procedures and rules at the National Meet or other authorized judged
the creativity of those modified cars. Grand National Meet and other events is intended to recognize excellence
authorized judged events and to and educate all involved regarding how
provide continuity, impartiality, the craftsmen of Cadillac designed and
Standard fairness, and uniform standards. built Cadillac and LaSalle automobiles.
This Committee will direct judging
The standard against which all auto- matters with assistance of the Grand It shall promote fellowship and sharing
mobiles in the Primary Division and National Committee and the host of information among CLC members
the Specialty and Unique Division will of other authorized judged events and others interested in Cadillac and
be judged is that condition, appearance, and shall be the final authority. The LaSalle automobiles.
and equipment as the car was originally Judging Committee may recom-
delivered to the first owner considering mend improvements in the judging Judging Day Operations
authenticity, condition, operability, procedures; develop educational All cars—judged and display—are to
and cleanliness of all components. Any techniques to orient judges or any be on the show field both Friday and
accessory approved by Cadillac, either other means that will facilitate Saturday of the Grand National Meet.
installed at the factory or by a dealer, the judging process at officially Friday is the primary judging day and
is acceptable. cars are to be ready for judging beginning
authorized national activities.
The same standard applies in the Touring “The CLC President, with the at 9 a.m. Judging will continue until at
Division, with consideration given during concurrence of the Board of least 4 p.m. or until judging stops. Judged
judging to the effects of regular usage and and display cars may be removed from
Directors, will appoint the Chief show Friday night once the Chief Judge
Judge, who will also serve as Chair
2024 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Official Judging Manual 3