Page 13 - CLC Official Judging Manual 2024
P. 13
Eligibility tires and convertible top materials used Form. This form and four photos of the
as Original Equipment Manufacturer entered car must be submitted to the Car
Entrants to a CLC Grand National or (OEM) equipment are being regularly Registrar in electronic form before the
other CLC-authorized judged event must reproduced. CLC will not penalize anyone entry deadline.
be National members of the Cadillac for not incurring the expense to replicate
& LaSalle Club, Inc. The entered cars OEM tires or top material, provided that Occasionally, a registered car is unable
must fall within one of the Divisions and the Entrant provides proof (or provided to make it to the judged event and the
Classes listed in this Manual. that the Judges are otherwise aware) that owner decides to bring a different vehicle
instead. Any change in vehicle registra-
The number of vehicles judged at an such items are not readily available in the tion must be completed at least two weeks
authorized event may be limited by the current market. before the event if the alternate vehicle is
National Chief Judge if there are not Documentation that will control in all to be judged. Any change in registration
sufficient judges. When limiting vehicles differences of opinion includes Cadillac which occurs less than two weeks before
for judging, the latest entries will not be published documents, CLC Authenticity the event will automatically disqualify the
judged based on when the car entry form Manuals, and the current edition of the alternate vehicle for judging, but it will be
was received by the Car Registrar. CLC Judging Manual. Other documenta- placed on the show field for display only.
Entries received by the Car Registrar tion may be considered by the judges. Any changes must be made through the
two weeks or less before a judged event The Entrant must have all documentation Car Registrar.
will not be displayed on the main show available at event in which the car
field and not judged. However, they can is entered. Event Registration
be displayed in an overflow area of the The Entrant must present the
show field providing that sufficient space Entry Confirmation of Entry form and proof
is available. Check the car entry form for of current car insurance for the entered
the exact last possible entry date for each The Entrant must properly complete vehicle when registering at the event.
judged event. the Car Entry form and submit it on
or before the deadline (typically two The Entrant will be provided a Dash Card
weeks before the event). A written at registration showing the car’s informa-
Responsibilities Confirmation of Entry form will tion and its parking spot number on the
be provided and this form must be show field. The Entrant is responsible for
Preparation presented when registering at the event ensuring that the information shown on
The Entrant is responsible for under- where judging will occur. The Entrant is this Dash Card is correct.
standing the CLC Judging Program and responsible for ensuring that the infor-
preparing the entered car for judging. mation shown on this form is correct. Show Day
The CLC offers this Judging Manual, Cars entered in the Past Presidents’ The Entrant is responsible for being
Authenticity Manuals for many years, but Preservation Division must provide prepared for show day. In addition,
not all, and a video explaining judging a completed additional entry form— to making the car ready for show, the
on the show field to assist the Entrant in Judging Application Preservation Entrant must understand his/her respon-
preparing to show his/her car. Class—and submit it with the primary sibilities and be prepared to execute them.
If after studying these materials questions entry form. Cars must be on the show field and ready
remain or for unusual situations not Cars entered in the Specialty & Unique for judging when judging starts, typically
covered, potential entrants are encour- Division must be entered 60 days before 9 a.m. At this time:
aged to discuss those questions with the the event, as supplemental information • A 2.5-pound ABC or gaseous
National Chief Judge. will be required. The National Chief Judge agent equivalent for car fires
will advise the entrants in this Division of fire extinguisher must be placed
Documentation the additional information required. alongside the left front wheel.
The Entrant is responsible for proving Entries in the Modified Division also • The trunk and interior emptied of
that all components of the car are as have special entry procedures. Therefore, any contents, other than the spare
original to the year and model as man- early entries are encouraged. After tire, jack, tools and convertible
ufactured by Cadillac or coachbuilder submitting the primary entry form, the boot and placed nearby so as to
and/or most closely represent original Car Registrar will provide the Entrant not prevent the judges’ complete
features using items that are currently with a special Modified Entry Form access to the car.
being reproduced. For example, not all along with the Confirmation of Entry
2024 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Official Judging Manual 5